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The Impact Of Novel Coronavirus On Car Rental Companies.

Everyone wants to travel in cars, especially when you are out on a trip with family or friends or need to attend an event in style or if you have to travel for a longer duration for your work every day. But the contradiction is that not everyone can afford a car, and this brought the concept of car rentals. Car rental was a huge hit and was becoming more demanded in the market. But in March 2020, when the novel coronavirus hit the world, the world stopped for a while. Every company, irrespective of its size, nature of business, and strong history, got affected, and car rental was no different.

Since the beginning of COVID-19, the demand and use of rental cars have dropped by 86%. Companies tried various ways to get back into the business, and even after marking their rents to the lowest, the customer count still dropped every day. Many car drivers even dropped jobs due to salary reductions and many other factors. However, the situation got a little better after the world received the gift of the vaccine against Covid-19. The vaccine helped the citizens get back on the road and travel again. But the loss of the last two years is so big that it has not healed to date. So, even now, when you pick a rental car as your travel partner, you will find the rent higher than before.

Novel Coronavirus Impact On Car Rentals

Until now, we have studied various reasons why car rental companies have been affected by Covid-19. Here we have discussed a few factors that made a huge impact on car rental companies as well as the common public worldwide:

World Saw Shortage Of Rental Cars

If you have heard about the car rental shortage in the world during the coronavirus pandemic, then let us confirm that, yes, it was true. When the coronavirus pandemic started, people were locked in their homes, offices started running online with work-from-home mode, and travelers were stopped where they were. All these things made the rental companies get filled with shortages which unconsciously forced the owners to reduce their costs and staff's and drivers' salaries. They also had to abolish some pick-and-drop locations because of the frequent Covid-19 cases emerging in the area.

The cases were at a time so high that the worldwide government ordered a decrease in the number of passengers and the outside sharing of seats used in rental cars. All these factors added to the dip in the economic conditions of the companies, and their situation started getting worst every day. As a result, some Rental car companies went bankrupt, some had to sell their cars, and factories started closing. All these factors led to a severe car rental shortage worldwide.

Dawn Of The Carpooling

Before Covid-19 hit the world; there was a time when carpooling was the best option, in case of being economical, to reach work on time. Sharing a car with a stranger before the office was a usual scenario and sometimes turned out to be the best road trip without making your pocket light. Moreover, carpooling also contributed to saving the environment. However, as the pandemic hit us hard on the face, the fun shattered with labels of safety and hygiene. As a result, the government issued guidelines where carpooling was prohibited and thus made it difficult for various people to rent a car for their daily travel. It led to less demand for rental cars, making it hard for many car rental companies to survive in the market.

Sudden Hike In The Global Rental Rates

The world has seen a sudden decrease in car rental revenue after 2019. This dip is increasing the competition among the rental companies to stay back in the market, hence increasing the rental rates. It is impacting the common public; hence, many car rental companies are asking car owners to rent out their cars to the company when not in use. This technique will increase the rental car counts on the road and help the company stay in the competition.

Increase in Leisure demand

Now that people are getting vaccinated globally and life is getting back on track, the surge of taking leisure is getting higher. As vaccination started at full speed, the list of people who wanted to explore new places was also on a hike. In the latter half of this year, 2022, the demand will get higher and higher. This, after the effects of Covid-19, is now positively impacting the car rental industry and helping them return to the race.


Car rental is among those industries that the pandemic has the worst hit. All owners and drivers have been affected here and now, and finding the rental companies that rent your favorite cars is tough. However, if you want to rent a car for your travel destinations or may be a safe and luxury airport pick and drop-off, visit BonVoyage Car Rentals. We have different luxury and economy model cars for your safe journey.